
Welcome to my personal web. Here I will try to upload anything that interests me and hope it is interesting for anyone else. I'm just a curious science nerd that is guided by my own views, and I will try to use this space to store them in one place. As simply as that. However, I'm gladly open to talk about anything in here as all things I write or say are open to discussion. Again, however you got here, make yourself at home :)

A little look inside: a simple website about behaviour and my own consciousness

Welcome to my personal web. Here I will try to upload anything that interests me and hope it is interesting for anyone else. I’m just a curious science nerd that is guided by my own views, and I will try to use this space to store them in one place. As simply as that. However, I’m gladly open to talk about anything in here as all things I write or say are open to discussion. Again, however you got here, make yourself at home!